
Friday, December 16, 2011


I am looking forward to getting our kitchen back in order. We got a new dishwasher yesterday which was really nice to get! And today they are coming to tear up our floor and replace it. Our living room is busy with all of our dining room in it. I am wanting to get the kitchen back together to make it easier to get a cooking schedule. I think that I need to spend a few hours over the weekend getting the food ready for the whole week instead of spending an hour and 1/2 each day getting the next day's food ready. I need that time to exercise.

My husband has lost 9 lbs and I have lost 3. I have not measured myself yet, but I am not expecting much change because I haven't been working out.

My sugars yesterday were still all in the 200's. I finally got my medicine organized and took it again last night. My sugars this morning are 278.

I have been extremely tired and this morning is no exception. I was resting last night at 6:30 and almost fell asleep, but I had to get up and make dinner for my husband and didn't end up getting to bed until 10:15 last night. I woke up this morning at 5:20. Today is Friday and so tonight I am hoping to go to bed earlier and I can sleep in until 8 (not that I will because I can never sleep that late). So, I am VERY tired still. I also have a headache and feel dizzy. This is going to be another busy weekend and so I am not expecting to get too much extra sleep, but I am hopeful to get something.

Work was stressful yesterday and around 3pm I broke down and had a chocolate truffle. I then had 1/2 of a candy bar around 7:30pm and had a bowl of cereal and a peanut butter/honey sandwich for dinner instead of my "approved" meal. I am sure this has something to do with my higher sugars this morning as well. I am hopeful that I will be able to get them down today. I am going to cut down the amount of food I am eating with this program, but still try and eat regularly. After I start exercising I think I could increase it again.

Emotionally I am feeling ok. I am not feeling too sad. I am just tired. I feel bad complaining about being tired because compared to others in my life, I feel like I don't have as hard of a situation and it could be worse. But I still feel tired.

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