
Wednesday, March 28, 2012


So I had my doctor's appointment last week. It went better than I thought. My A1C came down .8%. I had expected that it wouldn't have come down at all. But, my doctor increased my insulin doses and once again advised me to exercise and to continue working on my diet. She also stated that she thinks I am actually type 1 diabetic. She took some blood to do these tests.

I was watching "Biggest Loser" last week and a trainer was talking about a short workout routine that consists of 20 jumping jacks, 20 lunges and 20 pushups and doing the set 3 times. I did it yesterday and it took me 10 minutes. After I did it, I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. The dizziness lasted about 40 minutes and the nausea lasted for almost 2 hours. I took this as showing me how out of shape I am and how my body really NEEDS exercise. I woke up sore this morning and instead of doing the same routine, I did 20 minutes on the elliptical. Today I am not as dizzy, although still a little dizzy, and I wasn't nauseous until I drank some water. I usually always get nauseous when drinking water on an empty stomach. Maybe I need to find something else to drink first thing that will allow me to get the fluids but won't make me feel sick.

What got me to work out yesterday was that my daughter started crying in her sleep and when I woke her up, she told me that she had a dream that I died. It made me sad because I have thought about the fact that if I don't get it together that I might not be here for her later in her life. So, I got up and exercised. I also ate better most of the day yesterday. At lunch I had 1/2 of a rice crispy treat and I did have some girl scout cookies before I went to bed. UGH! I was so close. But, I am looking at the fact that I did better the rest of the day. I am feeling good about doing better today also.

Emotionally I am at another extreme high level of anxiety. I keep feeling like if I exercise, that the anxiety level will go down. But as I type this, it is bringing to mind the things that are causing me stress and the anxiety level has gone way back up again. It gets so high that I feel like my insides are going to explode. I feel like I need to go run or something, but obviously I can't run 24/7. Last week there was a day that it was so bad that it made me sick. I threw up and felt like I needed to for most of the day.

Physically, I am sore. In a good way because of exercising yesterday. As I described above, I am feeling anxious and it is carrying into my body. My feet and legs hurt and my knees have started to hurt some. But, I am hopeful that his will get better as I exercise more regularly.

Today the plan is to not eat any of the 5 things from my book. I got the exercising out of the way already and so all I have to concentrate on is the eating. I have a meeting right after work today and we usually go out to eat after them. I need to make sure I push to come home to eat so that I can eat something better.

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