
Saturday, December 10, 2011


I have been thinking that my biggest challenge lately is the lack of preparation. I have not had a solid plan. I don't have a plan for food, nor a plan for exercise. I have been taking day by day. I also have not had a solid schedule. My husband's schedule is never the same from week to week and so with one car, it makes it kind of hard to be too exact. Dinner is the hardest because there are days that we are running around after I get off work and so we just grab something to eat while out because I don't want my daughter waiting until 8pm to eat dinner. But, this leads to not so healthy foods.

Also, this week, I have noticed that one of my sister's friends who is diabetic has a blog that she has been keeping. I think I need to take the time to read it and see how things go for her. I know that she is a busy mom. My sister-in-law also keeps a blog about a different way to eat and I think I need to read it also. Her way is a very extreme change and I don't know if it is one that I could stick to, but who knows, maybe I could? I need to find out more of what it entails.

Work is also an enemy right now. There is always crap food in the break room and I have to walk through it multiple times a day. Maybe I just need to find a different route. I do good sometimes and then others I am on autopilot and it gets picked up and entered into my mouth without really thinking! Well, that's a lie.....I am never on that much autopilot. I always know exactly what I am doing, it is a matter of my caring or ignoring what I am doing.

So today I hope to come up with a better plan. I do like tuna from a can and I had it three times this week. I think I will go to Costco today and see if they have the brand I like and maybe I just need to do the exact same thing every day for a week. I guess that is what my sister-in-law's thing is....doing the exact same thing for a certain amount of time and then add in other things slowly to see how your body reacts. Time to look into it further I think. But maybe Christmas isn't the best time to start it either...... I would be setting myself up for failing the new "system".

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