
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

1/3/12 AM

Well, I think that writing in this was helpful, if only for a while to keeping me thinking about what I am doing/or not doing with my diabetes.

I was sick through most of the holidays, even yesterday I woke up with a headache that debilitated me and it was bad enough that I threw up around 3pm. I had extremely high sugars through being sick also. I know that my sugars are higher when sick and so it makes it more important to keep my sugars under control, but I kept feeling like "What's the use? I am not eating well, so why bother?" I did at one point test at a point that I wasn't feeling too sick and I tested a 511. I don't think I have ever tested that high.

So for the last 48 hours, I have been taking my medicine and this morning I have a sugar of 367. I have a plan for my food today. I feel sick still, but I feel more tired than sick.

Emotionally I am really stressed out. As of 1/1/12, I am uninsured. We lost our health insurance because my husband's second job raised the required hours for health insurance and he can't work them. So, he is trying to get the information from his main job about their insurance, but the premium is double what the premium is at my work. The disadvantage in the insurance through my work is that there is a $4000 deductible that needs to be filled first which means that we would have to pay for my medicines until the $4000 deductible is filled. We can't afford paying the $400/month for my medicine. So, it might be better for us to pay a higher premium so that we don't have to come up with the money for my medicine each month. I filled all my prescriptions on the 30th last month so that I have another month's worth of medicine. I am also hoping to get a raise at work soon since I will be reaching my 1 year mark, but I am not so sure it will happen due to my boss herself hasn't had a raise in a long while. I know this because I am in payroll.

So, I am hoping to get my sugars down soon. I will report again tomorrow.

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